Publications by A.N. Sissakian
1996 part II
- First Study of the Interference
between Initial and Final State Radiation at the Z Resonance
Z. Phys. C. 1996. V. 72, No. 1. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.1 M)
- Interbasis Expansion for the
Kaluza-Klein Monopole System
Proc. of the VII Intern. Conf.
“Symmetry methods in Physics”, Dubna, Russia, 10–16 July 1995. JINR
E2-96-224. Dubna, 1996. V. I. P. 245–254.
C. Grosche, G.S. Pogosyan, A.N. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (386 K)
- Kaon Interference in the Hadronic
Decays of the Z0
Phys. Let. B. 1996. V. 379. P. 330–340.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (757 K)
- Mean Lifetime of the B0s
Z. Phys. C. 1996. V. 71, No. 1. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (2.2 M)
- Measurement of Inclusive π0
Production in Hadronic Z0 Decays
Z. Phys. C. 1996. V. 69. P. 561–573.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (599 K)
- Measurement of Inclusive K*0(892),
Φ(1020) and K*02 (1430) Production in Hadronic Z
Z. Phys. C. 1996. V. 73, No. 1. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf]
(1.7 M)
- Measurement of the B0d
Oscillation Frequency Using Kaons, Leptons and Jet Charge
Z. Phys. C. 1996. V. 72, No. 1. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (665 K)
- Measurement of the Partial Decay
Width R0b = Γbb/Γhad of
the Z with the DELPHI Detector at LEP
Z. Phys. C. 1996. V. 70. No. 4. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (477 K)
- Method of Variational Perturbation
Theory in QCD
Proc. of the VII Intern. Conf.
“Symmetry methods in Physics”, Dubna, Russia, 10–16 July 1995. JINR
E2-96-224. Dubna, 1996. V. II. P. 513–519.
A.N. Sissakian, I.L. Solovtsov, O.P. Solovtsova
download: text [pdf] (341 K)
- Oscillator as a Hidden Non-Abelain
JINR Preprint E2-96-24. Dubna, 1996.
L.G. Mardoyan, A.N. Sissakian, V.M. Ter-Antonyan
download: text [pdf] (296
- Park-Tarter Matrix for a Dyon-Dyon
JINR Preprint E2-96-373. Dubna, 1996.
L.G. Mardoyan, A.N. Sissakian, V.M. Ter-Antonyan
download: text [pdf] (556 K)
- Path Integral Approach to
Superintegrable Potentials on the Two-Dimensional Hyperboloid
Part. Nucl. 1996. V. 27, No. 3. P.
C. Grosche, A.N. Sissakian, G.S. Pogosyan
download: text [pdf] (2.0 M)
- Path Integral Discussion for
Super-Integrable Potentials: IV. The Three-Dimensional Hyperboloid
DESY 96-242. Hamburg, 1996. P.131.
C. Grosche, A.N. Sissakian, G.S. Pogosyan
download: text [pdf] (1.5 M)
- Performance of the DELPHI Detector
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A. 1996. V. 378. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (3.9 M)
- Production of Σ0
in Z Decays
Z. Phys. C. 1996. V. 70, No. 3. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (606 K)
