Publications by A.N. Sissakian
2004 part II
- Development and Application of
High-Precision Metrology for the ATLAS Tile-Calorimeter Construction
(Pre-Assemdly Experience and Lessons)
JINR Preprint E13-2004-177. Dubna, 2004.
ATLAS Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.6 M)
- e+e– Pair
Production in Relativistic Ion Collisions and Its Correspondence to
Electron-Ion Scattering
JINR Preprint E2-2004-192. Dubna, 2004.
A.N. Sissakian, A.V. Tarasov, H.T. Torosyan , O.O.
download: text [pdf]
(102 K)
- Final Results from DELPHI on the
Searches for SM and MSSM Neutral Higgs Bosons
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2004. V. 32, No. 2. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.3
- Law of Large Numbers and
Asymptotic of Phase-Space Integral
Yad. Fiz. 2004. V. 67, No. 1. P.
J. Manjavidze, A.N. Sissakian, N. Shubitidze
download: text [pdf] (213
- Law of Large Numbers and
Asymptotic of Phase-Space Integral
Proc. of the Fourth International
Workshop “Very High Multiplicity Physics”. Alushta, Ukraine, 1-4 June
2003. JINR E1, 2-2004-83. Dubna. 2004. P. 217–224.
J. Manjavidze, A.N. Sissakian, N. Shubitidze
download: text [pdf]
(244 K)
- Measurement of the
Forward-Backward Asymmetries of e+e– → Z → bb and e+e–
→ Z → cc Using Prompt
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2004. V. 34, No. 2. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (424 K)
- Measurement of the Λ0b
decay form factor
Phys. Let. B. 2004. V. 585. P. 63–84.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (523 K)
- Measurement of |Vcb|
Using the Semileptonic Decay B0d
→ D*+ℓ–νℓ
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2004. V. 33, No. 2. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (506 K)
- Measurement of the W-pair
Production Cross-Section and W Branching Ratios in e+e–
Collissions at √s = 161-209 GeV
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2004. V. 34, No. 2. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text: [pdf] (356 K)
- Modelling of the Dipole Magnet
Coils for the ALICE Dimuon Arm Spectrometer
Proc. of the XVI International Baldin
Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems “Relativistic Nuclear Physics
and Quantum Chromodynamics” (ISHEPP XVI). Dubna, 10-15 June 2002.
Dubna. 2004. V. 2. P. 82–89.
N. Anischenko, N. Blinov, V. Danilov, O. Golubitsky, I.
Karpunina, A. Lyubimtsev, A. Makarov, I. Olex, V. Popov, S. Semashko,
A. Sissakyan and et al.
download: text [pdf] (593 K)
- NLO QCD Procedure of the
Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering Data Analysis with Respect to
the Light Quark Polarized Sea
Phys. Rev. D. 2004. V. 70, No. 7. P.
A.N. Sissakian, O.Yu. Shevchenko, O.N. Ivanov
download: text [pdf] (229 K)
- Observation of the Narrow State
X(3872) → J/ψπ+π– in pp Collisions at √s = 1.96
Phys. Rev. Let. 2004. V. 93, No. 7. P.
CDF Collaboration
download: text [pdf]
(178 K)
- On Correlators for High
Multiplicity Events
Yad. Fiz. 2004. V. 67, No. 1. P. 70–72.
J.A. Budagov, Y.A. Kulchitsky, J. Manjavidze, N.A.
Russakovich, A.N. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (199 K)
- On elimination of the Gribov
February 2004.
J. Manjavidze, A. Sissakian, V. Voronyuk
download: text [pdf] (279 K)
- On the Status of VHM Physics
Proc. of the Fourth International
Workshop “Very High Multiplicity Physics”. Alushta, Ukraine, 1-4 June
2003. JINR E1, 2-2004-83. Dubna. 2004. P. 5–18.
J. Manjavidze, A. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (465 K)
- On the Status of Very High
Multiplicity Physics
Yad. Fiz. 2004. V. 67, No. 1. P. 4–12.
A. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (660 K)
