Publications by A.N. Sissakian
2001 part III
- Search for R-Parity Violation
with a U D D Coupling
at √s=189 GeV
Phys. Let. B. 2001. V. 500, No. 1, 2.
P. 22–36.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.1 M)
- Search for Sleptons in e+e–
Collisions at √s=183 to 189 GeV
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2001. V. 19, No. 1. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (464 K)
- Search for Spontaneous R-Parity
Violation at √s=183 GeV and 189 GeV
Phys. Let. B. 2001. V. 502, No. 1, 2,
3, 4. P. 24–36.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.2 M)
- Search for Technicolor with
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2001. V. 22, No. 1. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (428
- Search for the Standard Model
Higgs Boson at LEP in the Year 2000
Phys. Let. B. 2001. V. 499, No. 1, 2.
P. 23–37.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.5
- Single Intermediate Vector Boson
Production in e+e– Collisions at √s=183 and 189
Phys. Let. B. 2001. V. 515, No. 3, 4.
P. 238–254.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf]
(248 K)
- Status of Very High Multiplication
Proc. of the Intern. Workshop
“Relativistic Nuclear Physics: from Hundreds of MeV to TeV”. Varna,
Bulgaria, September 2001. Dubna, 2001. V. 2. P. 55–62.
J. Manjavidze, A. Sissakian
download: text [pdf]
(360 K)
- Study of Dimuon Production in
Photon-Photon Collisions and Measurement of QED Photon Structure
Functions at LEP
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2001. V. 19, No. 1. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (334 K)
- The CDF Silicon Vertex Trigger for
B Physics Study
JINR Preprint E1-2001-19. Dubna. 2001.
S. Belforte, J. Budagov, G. Chlachidze, S. Donati, V.
Glagolev, G. Punzi, L. Ristori, A. Semenov, A. Sissakian, F. Spinella
download: text [pdf] (411 K)
- The JINR Scientific Programme
Proc. of the 2000 European School of
High-Energy Physics. Caramulo, Portugal, August-September 2000.
CERN-2001-003. Geneva, 2001. P. 259–276.
A.N. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (411
- Update of the Search for
Supersymmetric Particles in Scenarios with Gravitino LSP and Sleptons
Phys. Let. B. 2001. V. 503, No. 1, 2.
P. 34–48.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.5 M)
- Very High Multiplicity Hadron
Phys. Rep. 2001. V. 346, No. 1. P. 1–88.
J. Manjavidze, A. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (560 K)
- Why the Very high multiplicity
events are rare
November 2001.
J. Manjavidze, A. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (157 K)
- Yang-Mills Field Quantization in
the Factor Space
J. Math. Phys. 2001. V. 42, No. 9. P.
J. Manjavidze, A. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (1.1 M)
