Publications by A.N. Sissakian
2000 part II
- Hadronic Shower Development in
Iron-Scintillator Tile Calorimetry
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A. 2000. V. 443, No.
1. P. 51–70.
ATLAS Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (984 K)
- Hadronization Properties of b
Quarks Compared to Light Quarks in e+e– → qq from 183 to 200 GeV
Phys. Let. B. 2000. V. 479, No. 1, 2,
3. P. 118–128.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf]
(149 K)
- Identified Charged Particles and
Resonances in Quark and Gluon Jets
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2000. V. 17, No. 2. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (643
- Inclusive Σ− and
Λ(1520) Production in Hadronic Z Decays
Phys. Let. B. 2000. V. 475, No. 3, 4.
P. 429–447.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (632 K)
- Limits on the Masses of
Supersymmetric Particles at √s = 189 GeV
Phys. Let. B. 2000. V. 489, No. 1, 2.
P. 38–54.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (901 K)
- Measurement and Interpretation of
Fermion-Pair Production at LEP Energies of 183 and 189 GeV
Phys. Let. B. 2000. V. 485. P. 45–61.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf]
(450 K)
- Measurement of the B0s
Lifetime and Study of B0s–B0s
Oscillations Using DSℓ Events
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2000. V. 16, No. 4. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (564 K)
- Measurement of the B → D(*)πℓνℓ
Branching Fraction
Phys. Let. B. 2000. V. 475, No. 3, 4.
P. 407–428.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (642 K)
- Measurement of the Gluon
Fragmentation Function and a Comparison of the Scaling Violation in
Gluon and Quark Jets
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2000. V. 13, No. 4. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (636 K)
- Measurement of the Strange Quark
Forward-Backward Asymmetry Around the Z0 Peak
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2000. V. 14, No. 4. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (490 K)
- Measurements of the Z Partial
Decay Width into cc
and Multiplicity of Charm Quarks per b Decay
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2000. V. 12, No. 2. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (303 K)
- Multiplicity distribution tails at
high energies
March 2000.
E.A. Kuraev, J. Manjavidze, A. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (162 K)
- Nonperturbative Expansion Method
in QCD and Its Applications
Proc. of Bogolyubov Conf. “Problems of
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics”. Moscow, Dubna, Kiev, September –
October 1999. Part. Nucl. 2000. V. 31, No. 7A. P. 208–214.
A.N. Sissakian, I.L. Solovtsov
download: text [pdf] (109 K)
- Phase transitions signal in
inelastic hadron collisions
March 2000.
J. Manjavidze, A. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (154 K)
- Photon Events with Missing Energy
at √s=183 to 189 GeV
Eur. Phys. J. C. 2000. V. 17, No. 1. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (324 K)
- Quantisation of Extended Objects
March 2000.
J. Manjavidze, A. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (246 K)
- Rapidity-Rank Structure of pp Pairs in Hadronic Z0
Phys. Let. В. 2000. V. 490, No. 1, 2.
P. 61–70.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (128 K)
- Research Programme for the 600 MeV
Proton Accelerator Driven MOX-Plutonium Subcritical Assembly
JINR Preprint E1-2000-64. Dubna, 2000.
V.S. Barashenkov, V.S. Buttsev, G.L. Buttseva, S.Ju.
Dudarev, A. Polanski, I.V. Puzynin, A.N. Sissakian
download: text [pdf] (277 K)
- Results from a New Combined Test
of an Electromagnetic Liquid Argon Calorimeter with a Hadronic
Scintillating-Tile Calorimeter
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A. 2000. V. 449, No.
3. P. 461–477.
ATLAS Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (420 K)
