Cherenkov ring reconstructionUp:ContentsPrevious:Contents
1 Introduction
A number of various methods of processing the RICH (Ring Imaging CHerenkov)
detector data for particle identification (PID) are already known (see,
e.g., refs. [1, 2,
3]). Some of these methods are based on the
maximum likelihood approach [1], or on comparing
probability distributions [2] of Cherenkov photons
for different hypotheses and, therefore, assume an extended preliminary
preprocessing of the bulky array of many thousand pads from which the raw
RICH data are consisting. Other methods, like ref. [3],
use the pad information, but only to count the number of pads in fiducial
areas calculated for alternative particles. All PID methods demand the
knowledge of Cherenkov ring centers and corresponding particle momenta
with a high level of accuracy.
This paper is motivated by the following considerations:
(i) There is a need for a substantial speeding up of processing of
RICH measurements.
(ii) This can be achieved, in particular, by eliminating such a time-consuming
stage as locating photon hits in a sea of pads.
(iii) Successful application of robust statistical methods in our previous
work [4] inspired us to apply those methods
to the raw RICH data.
It allows to compute Cherenkov ring parameters with a better accuracy
and improve the particle identification (PID) procedure by choosing the
most likely radius corresponding to a pad sample surrounding a Cherenkov
ring center. Numerical tests show considerable improvement in the accuracy
over traditional algorithms. We do not discuss here other interesting but
more time consuming methods of RICH raw data processing such as the MCMC
(Markov chain Monte-Carlo) approach studied in ref. [5].