Publications by A.N. Sissakian
1993 part II
- Determination of αs
from the Scaling Violation in the Fragmentation Functions in e+e–
Phys. Let. B. 1993. V. 311, No. 1, 2,
3, 4. P. 408–424.
DELPHI Collaboration
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- Gaussian Effective Potential in
Variational Perturbation Theory
Phys. Let. B. 1993. V. 313, No. 3, 4.
P. 367–373.
A.N. Sissakian, I.L. Solovtsov, O.Yu. Shevchenko
download: text [pdf] (416 K)
- JINR Storage Accelerator
Complex: C-Tau Factory
Proc. of the XXVI Intern. Conf. on High
Energy Physics. Dallas, Texas, USA, August 1992. AIP Conference
Proceedings. New York, 1993. V. II. P. 1945–1959.
V.S. Alexandrov, V.A. Bednyakov, G.A. Chelkov, V.M. Kotov,
A.K. Krasnykh, E.A. Perelstein, N.A. Russakovich, A.N. Sissakian, Ts.D.
download: text [pdf] (939 K)
- JINR Tau-Charm Factory Design Study
Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on
Tau-Charm Factory. Dubna, Russia, April 1993. JINR Д1,9,13-93-459.
Dubna, 1993. P. 119–132.
E. Perelstein, V. Alexandrov, P. Beloshitsky, V. Kazacha,
V. Mironov, L. Onischenko, A. Sissakian et al.
download: text [pdf]
- JINR Tau-Charm Factory Study
XVth Intern. Conf. on High
Accelerators “HEACC'92”. Germany, Hamburg, July 1992. Int. J. Mod.
Phys. A. (Proc. Suppl). 2A. 1993. V. 1. P. 448–451.
E.A. Perelstein, V.S. Alexandrov, P.F. Beloshitsky, D.I.
Kaltchev, V.I. Mironov, L.M. Onischenko, A.N. Sissakian et al.
download: text [pdf] (450
- Limits on the Production of Scalar
Leptoquarks From Z0 Decays at LEP
Phys. Let. В. 1993. V. 316, No. 4. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (776 K)
- Measurement of Λb
Production and Lifetime in Z0 Hadronic Decays
Phys. Let. B. 1993. V. 311, No. 1, 2,
3, 4. P. 379–390.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (948 K)
- Measurement of the Triple-Gluon
Vertex from 4-Jet Events at LEP
Z. Phys. C. 1993. V. 59, No. 3. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.4 M)
- Measurement of Inclusive
Production of Light Meson Resonances in Hadronic Decays of the Z0
Phys. Let. B. 1993. V. 298, No. 1, 2.
P. 236–246.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (737
- Production of Λ and ΛΛ Correlations in the
Hadronic decays of the Z0
Phys. Let. B. 1993. V. 318, No. 1. P.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.1 M)
- Search for Z0 Decays
to Two Leptons and a Charged Particle-Antiparticle Pair
Nucl. Phys. B. 1993. V. 403. No. 1, 2.
P. 3–24.
DELPHI Collaboration
download: text [pdf] (1.3 M)
- The Super-Integrable Systems of
the Smorodinsky-Winternitz Type on the Three Dimensional Sphere
Intern. Workshop Symmetry Methods in
Physics in Memory of Prof. Ya.A. Smorodinsky. Dubna, Russia, July 1993.
Abstracts. JINR E2-93-241. Dubna, 1993. P. 46.
G.S. Pogosyan, A.N. Sissakian, S.I. Vinitsky
download: text [pdf] (57 K)
