Prague, July 26 - 31, 2015
dedicated to the 60th anniversary of JINR Dubna,FNSPE Prague and NPI, Rez
Advanced Studies Institute (ASI), SPIN-Praha-2015, is the 31st in the series of International meetings on Spin Research Program, that began with the first meeting of this series at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, in 1975, and continued after that from 1976 on regular basis at Czech Republic. Prague spin physics meetings cover topics related to symmetry and polarization phenomena in particle and nuclear physics and astrophysics.
Characteristic feature of Prague spin physics meetings are:
The SPIN-Praha-2015 Conference is dedicated to the 60th aniversary of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague and Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR in Rez, Czech Republic.
The SPIN-Praha-2015 Conference will be devoted in particular to development of some new spin physics JINR, CERN, FAIR, BNL etc.