SNMP Management of Proxy/Caches

This page contains information related to SNMP management of Proxy/Cache servers. We are currently experimenting with an MIB specifically for Proxy/Cache servers, rather than re-using information from more generic MIB's such as the Host Resources MIB and the WWW Services MIB, for reasons of implementation simplicity and flexibility.

At the moment a single MIB has been developed which contains Squid specifc objects, currently the MIB is being broken into two components. The first will be a generic Proxy/Cache server MIB which will be applicable to all object caches. With a second MIB which will be private extensions to the Proxy/Cache MIB for Squid specific objects.

Our goals are:

You are welcome to participate in our discussion list.

SNMP Related reference material

Monitoring of Squid with MRTG

Proxy/Cache Server MIB

Squid MIB

Mailing List Information

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$Id: index.html,v 1.9 1999/05/12 17:25:38 glenn Exp $